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Welcome to the website of Ivinghoe Parish Council, serving the villages of Ivinghoe & Ivinghoe Aston plus the smaller settlements of Great Gap, Horton Wharf, Ford End and Ringshall.
On this website you will be able to find a range information about the parish council and the work it undertakes. Here you will be able to contact councillors about matters concerning you, read minutes, find dates and venues of parish council meetings and news items that are pertinent to our parish. If you are not sure if you are a part of this parish please take a look at the parish boundary map.

About Ivinghoe Parish Council
Ivinghoe Parish Council currently consists of seven councillors and the Council is supported by a Clerk who is employed by the Council.
The Council has powers laid out in the Local Government Act 1972 and other legislation. Parish Councils have an overall responsibility for the well-being of a local community. There are many services that they may provide but Ivinghoe Parish Council is currently responsible for maintaining and providing the following services:
- Allotments
- Bridleways/footpaths
- The Lawn
- Dog waste bins/litter bins
- Planning
- Street lighting
- Traffic calming measures
We do not work alone but deliver these services in conjunction with Buckinghamshire Council.
The Council meets once a month. At these meetings councillors make decision on the work and direction of the council. As an elected body we are responsible to you, the people that we represent and the best way to find out what we do is to attend a council meeting.
Ivinghoe Parish Council meets on the first Monday of every month. There may be exceptions to this rule, for example, when special public holidays interrupt this schedule. To be sure, dates are listed here, or check the Parish Council notice boards, located
- on the outside wall of Ivinghoe Town Hall
- just outside Brookmead School gates on High Street, Ivinghoe
- on the outside wall of the Village Swan public house, Ivinghoe Aston
Council meetings are currently being held in the Ivinghoe Town Hall, High Street, Ivinghoe.