BHB Project

In 2015 Ivinghoe Parish council, concerned about the increasing volume and speed of traffic using the B488 and B489, commissioned Hamilton-Baillie Associates to produce a report on potential traffic calming measures to address the problem. The report was completed and presented to the council in December 2015 and can be viewed here. Pitstone Parish Council also commissioned a similar report from Hamilton-Baillie Associates.
A Stage 1 Road Safety Audit, funded by both Ivinghoe and Pitstone Councils with matched funding from the Local Area Forum (LAF), has been carried out across both parishes. This document can be found on the BHB Update page. This report has been completed and has been followed up with a detailed design of the various priority options. As of January 2021 we have been allocated funds by the Wing and Ivinghoe Community Board of Buckinghamshire Council to enable Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the implementation to take place.
Phase 1 - Station Road, by the junction with Ladysmith Road and Maud Janes Close.
Phase 2 - High Street, outside Brookmead School.
For further informationt please go to the Ivinghoe page at BHB Associates